Sunday, February 22, 2009

In the Path of Greatness

I just figured out the title for this year! Introducing 2009:

In the Path of Greatness

This will also be the title of my first book. It has been said that sometimes people are successful because they are in the right place at the right time? Well, I believe you can put yourself in the right place at the right time. In my book I will talk about all the wealthy, successful people whom I have crossed paths with.

After I left Nashville on Monday, I flew to and spent the week in Orlando. The first two days were for an annual meeting with the entire company. In my opinion, most of it was a waste. There was an award ceremony on Tuesday night where they presented sales and customer service awards. I was sure I had the highest percentage in the company, but for some reason... they gave the award to someone else. This happened to me last year. What really irked me last year was that they made up a percentage number last year and I knew that it was absolutely untrue because I took one of the sessions. Anyway, it's always nice to get recognized, but my belief is that if you want to give an award to your drinking buddies, please don't invite me. I don't drink, I don't go to nude bars. And no, you will not, "break me." Can you believe it? I get people every once in a while saying, "Shamy, we're going to break you one of these days." I guess people will only feel completely comfortable with me when I am on their level. Anyway, it was very nice that they gave my dad a lifetime achievement award for his 30 years in public speaking. I know that he really appreciated the recognition.

On one of the days I did meet a man named Martin Roberts. He's an investor/tv personality from England. His fame over there is from a show he does call Under the Hammer. He was a delightsome man with a lot of energy. At times he even reminded me of my favorite comedian: Eddie Izzard. One funny thing I did notice about this man is that his pride seemed to be a little hurt when he wasn't quite the star that he is in London. It was a pleasure to meet him nonetheless.

After the annual company meeting we had the annual Rich Dad Education Conference. About 1300 people showed up for the event. There is a certain energy when you get that many people in a room who are ready to change their lives and do something different. On the first day, we had a surprise guest. Montel Williams, the talk-show host, showed up to promote his new book and to talk about future events with him. This is a very nice man with a story that many people can relate to. I really admire how he handled the crowd while he was talking to them and when he was in private. His bodyguard (who is ginormous) is like a big teddy bear. I'm glad our paths crossed for a little while. I'm looking forward to working with both of them in the future.

The second day was for Robert Kiyosaki, the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad and the reason that so many people were there. Robert is an interesting man. He's not afraid to say what he's thinking. This, to me is great trait and also a downfall. I honestly think that he offends many people with his crass and coarse language. He has a lot of very good ideas, but in my opinion, he could be much bigger and more well known if he presented himself a little better. Don't get me wrong, he's a very nice man, but I think he could use some polishing. He did do me the favor of recording a personal introduction for me which is priceless. He said some very nice things about me and my dad.

Last night, I somehow invited myself to dinner with the CEO and CFO of the company. Sometimes when I open my mouth, words don't come out how I am thinking them and I got me, my dad, and my sister all invited to have Indian food with "the boss". He even paid for dinner. It was very nice conversation and not too much business, but now, I'm deep in it. I was having thoughts of changing careers, but now, that's not going to be so easy. This is good and bad. All in all though, I'm glad to be home.

Monday, February 16, 2009

That Just Tars Me All to Pieces

Well this weekend I was in Nashville, Tennessee. Now normally I never work on Sundays, but this was a special circumstance 1. Because I haven't been out since mid-December and 2. It is right before the bi-annual meeting in Florida, so I cannot go out next week either.
Right now, I'm sitting in Murfreesboro, Tennessee right now, waiting for my shuttle to the airport to arrive. Something I've noticed about myself is that during the weeks that I'm working, I don't really like talking to people. I speak for 2 hours a day straight, twice a day and after that, I am done talking. On the way to this hotel, my shuttle driver would not shut up. He was a very nice man, but in the 20 something minutes I was in his shuttle (and I was the only one in the shuttle), I found out his entire life story. I'm not joking, he said he lived in Indiana with his girlfriend that was 18 years older than him. He told me about every job he ever had. He described every detail about the shuttle business. He also told me about every celebrity he ever saw. I maybe said ten words the entire trip, just to be nice. I think he's picking me up today. Ah yes, there he is now.
Well, he didn't talk too much this morning. I was kind of looking forward to it... or rather, prepared for it. I guess he already told me everything.
On the way here, I got to the SLC airport with plenty of time to spare. I got my shoes shined. I always appreciate the people who shine my shoes because they are very hard working, most of them take a lot of pride in their work, and they are generally humble. In my opinion it takes someone very humble to clean another's feet... I love talking to these guys (or girl, in the Denver airport). The nice man that shined my shoes this week was hispanic. We got to talking about his job and he said he loves what he does. He says that he can come late and not get any flack, he only has to put in his 8 hours a day, 5 days a week and then gets his two days off. I guess I find this so interesting because I, myself could never do that. I guess I'm just not comfortable with complacency. To me, complacency does not breed progression. The thing I did like about him though is that he was happy with what he did. It fit him. Isn't that the dream of many American's: to be happy in what you do?
Valentine's Day was this week. I've always liked Valentine's Day no matter my relationship status. Chocolate, strawberries, flowers, pink, white, and red: who wouldn't want these things? I like seeing them everywhere, it's happy. What I do hate is all the whiners. "WAH... I'm single. Couples are not. WAH!!!" I look at it like this: No one likes someone who is bitter because they are single. Men are that they might have joy. If you can't be happy with yourself when you are single, how are you going to be happy when you take on another's problems?

Monday, February 02, 2009

2009 Goals

I've been debating on what this year's title will be. I had one that came to me in the middle of the night once, but I failed to write it down. Blast! I am still thinking of a name, so if you have a suggestion, let me know. Here's a recap of past titles:

2004 "A New Journey Begins"
2005 "To Infinity and Beyond"
2006 "What Dreams May Come"
2007 "The Winds of Change"
2008 "I Will Go and Do"
2009 "?"

-Write at least two chapters for my book.

-Finish your food storage: build shelves, get some dry pack done, buy the emergency essentials that aren't food.

-170 lbs by May 30th (Scarlet Pimpernel Auditions)

-Run and finish a Marathon

-Do 2 Triathlons

-Read scriptures every day.
-Study scriptures every day.
-Make sure to weed your garden when necessary.
-Get the family history onto the computer (This is not a high priority, but would be nice.)
-Work on humility. You are very blessed in many ways: be humble about it.
-Serve. This seems vague, but in reality, it leaves many opportunities open. Serve when those opportunities present themselves and make opportunities to serve.

-Keep better records for tax time. Reconcile monthly instead of quarterly.
-Budget money even better, this year may not be as good as last year. Remember, work hard now so you can spend more time with your family later.

-Read at least 5 books just because.

-Learn how to proficiently use Final Cut Pro Studio, Your Video Camera, Your still camera, and finish the Photoshop book


-Sincerely compliment someone every day

-Learn about other people... they already know about you. Make new friends.

-Trust in the Lord and His timing. Don't get discouraged when things don't happen how you want them to.

A Little Late, But You Know What They Say...

Time for a recap of last year's goals and a posting of 2009 goals.

Last year's goals:

-Finish my book I'm writing.
Well... I managed to finish some chapter headings.

-170 lbs by May 28th
I dropped 25 lbs between May and July. During Christmas, I gained 4.

-Get in shape to Swim the English Channel in 2009
I would say I have accomplished this, but I will not be swimming the Channel this year. :(

-Take care of braces by brushing every day
Coming along nicely. I haven't brushed EVERY day, but I've done pretty well.

-Read BoM every day and write your thoughts about each chapter
Wrote through June. Read straight through July, then got a little lax.

-Write down one thing you are thankful for every day
Wrote through June.

-Get the family history onto the computer
I didn't even think about this one, oops.

-Buy another house
Circumstances prevented this, it wasn't a priority.

-Be a successful book writer
Hmm... this one is a little too vague *grin*.

-Read my “success library”
Got a couple down.

-Get Real Estate license
I take the licensing exam this week.

-Get 50% of CCIM done
Finished this with flying colors!

-Date more often

-Sincerely Compliment someone every day
I hope I did this. I really stopped thinking about it after a while, but I made a serious effort.

-Step out of your "comfort zone" and let others in
Again, this is vague, but I believe I was successful.

-Concentrate on the positives of others and forget about yourself
This one was harder than I thought, but always a good goal. I would give myself a B on this one.