Wednesday, August 04, 2010

And my Ending is Despair Unless...

And my ending is despair
Unless I be relieved by prayer

These are some of the last lines in Shakespeare's The Tempest and in fact, some of the last lines he ever wrote. Currently I am starring as Prospero in a local production of The Tempest and never before did those words ever truly mean anything until tonight. I have found lately that I get discouraged easily, especially when I start thinking about everything that is happening, or could happen right now. I realized this evening that one of Satan's tools is discouragement or despair. That is what he is currently using to try and bring me down. And it would be my ending, except for the fact that my burdens are lifted when I go to the Lord in prayer. There was an ultimate sacrifice made so that our ending would never be despair. Now I don't know if Shakespeare was inspired or if he was even a religious man at all, but I do know that he knew there was a power in prayer that could lift one's soul. I am grateful for prayer and that my trials can be made easier through the Lord's sacrifice.

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