Monday, May 17, 2010


My blog posts are usually sporadic because I often don't think what I have to say is of much consequence, so I only write when prompted to... usually by emotion. Today I started off writing just to write, I didn't have anything in particular to say, but once again, it turned into a post prompted by emotion.

I am grateful.

Although there are so many reasons to be stressed out right now, I am grateful for my life.
-I am grateful that I'm a little overweight: I'm not going hungry. I often get disparaged over the fight to keep my weight down, but realize that I could be starving and have no choice about what I eat.
-I am thankful for the opportunities we get to serve. There are many lists that go around during church and I have made a goal this month to sign up for all of them if I don't have anything scheduled during that time already.
-I am grateful for so many friends. According to facebook I have 771. I remember in elementary school I would come home crying because I just wanted 1.
-I am grateful for where I am in life. Not many people my age have a couple of houses and have traveled the world. I am very blessed to have done all this and so much more already. I am also grateful to know what I want out of life and where I am going.
-I am thankful for my trials. I know that they help build and shape me into the person God wants me to be. It's good to be grateful for them right now, because sometimes, it's hard to see that when the light is dim.

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